Cylinder Head Remanufacturing

The main job of the cylinder head is to close the combustion chamber of the engine from the top. The lower part is known as the engine block.
The cylinder head sits on the engine and closes off the combustion chamber. The gap between the cylinder head and the engine block is known as the head gasket.
Another job of the cylinder head is to ensure costant lubrication to the cylinders. If the cylinders are not supplied with enough oil, the engine will not operate correctly.
Oil Leak – As the cylinder head contains oil, then it is quite likely you will notice oil leaking. A light on the dashboard should also show low oil pressure.
Coolant Leak – A coolant leak can actually cause a cracked head, a leak of coolant along with oil is expected.
Poor Engine Performance – One of the first symptoms of this is a noticeable loss of engine power. This could be caused by air escaping from the combustion chamber due to a crack.
Smoke From The Engine – A large crack in the cylinder head can allow coolant to leak into the combustion chamber, which in turn, can cause white smoke coming from the engine.
Misfire – If the crack in the cylinder head is severe, then the mixture of fluids in the combustion chamber will prevent the fuel from burning correctly. Your engine will normally die and you will have to constantly be needing to restart.
Walkers will dismanlte the engine / cylinder head from your vehicle, or collect the cylinder head direct from you. We will then carry out all the diagnostics required.
Once we have identified the cause of the issues, we will then discuss what is needed with you. Once you are happy, we will carry out the required work to get you back up and running like new.
Call us now – 01706 711611
Pressure Testing
One of the main causes of a cracked cylinder head is overheating. Stress can also be placed on the engines components, much more than what they were designed for. Pressure testing is a way of identifying these leaks. We make the head air tight, then pressurise it looking for any leaks, internal or external. This is done under a higher temperature also as under normal running conditions, your cylinder head expands and retracts due to varying heat.
Skimming / Resurfacing
If your engine has overheated or blown a head gasket, the cylinder head can become distorted creating an un-even mate to the engine block itself. Walkers can resurface or skim the cylinder head to create a perfect seal again.
Valve Grinding / Re-seating
The repeated opening and closing of valves can cause an impact on the valve seat, along with damage caused by overheating, coolant leaks and damage to the cylinder head. The valve and seat should provide a gas tight seal for compression for the charge in the combustion chamber. Walkers use a number of latest techniques to grind the valves and seats to re-establish that gas tight seal required.

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